Terms & Conditions
1.-General information. Elabs Consulting SL (hereinafter the 'Company') is a company dedicated to Marketing (hereinafter the 'Service'). has address in Carrer de Joan d'Àustria, 126, 5º, 2ª, 08018 Barcelona, España. Your contact telephone number is +34 93 517 90 75 and your general email address for any question or comment is [email protected].
2.-Acceptance of the Conditions. Access and use of the Website located at the URL https://www.elabsconsulting.com (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), together with all the contents offered through it, are subject to those present General Conditions of Use (hereinafter, "GCU") that regulate access and use of the Website by the visitor (hereinafter the "Visitor"). In any case, the Visitor, through the acceptance of the GCU, declares and knows that he / she is of legal age, has sufficient capacity to be able to contract, and that he / she has read and accepts in its entirety the present GCU. Otherwise, the Visitor may not use the products and / or services offered by the Company on its Website or visit it.
3.- Availability of the Conditions. The Company places at the disposal of all its Visitors these GCU's that can be printed at any time by them, in the language they have chosen from among those authorized.
4.- Modification of the Conditions. The Company reserves the right to modify the content of the GCU. In any case, the Company will comply with its duty of information by always making available to the Visitors the latest version of the GCU. In any case, the GCU applicable to each visit of the Website will be accepted by each of the Visitors at any time.
5.- Acces to the website. Visitor can browse freely through all the contents of the Website with the only limitations that those established through the present and in any case in the current legislation.
6.- Responsible.
The Visitor acknowledges and accepts that the use of the Website of the Company, as well as the information contained therein, is made at its entire risk and its entire responsibility, exempting the Company from any type of claim for damages derived from it.The Company declares that the information contained in the Website is merely indicative and of an informative nature, so it is not responsible for any error that may contain the information on the Website or for any damages that may arise from the use of the information included in the Website. The Company is not responsible for the following damages and losses that may arise, by way of example and not limited to: (i) computer viruses, technical breakdowns and / or disconnections in the operation of computer and electronic systems and / or in the computers of the Visitors for reasons beyond the Company's control, as well as for defects or deficiencies in the configuration of said equipment. (ii) Delays or blockages in use caused by deficiencies or overloads on the Internet or other electronic systems. (iii) Inadequate functioning of the Company's Website for maintenance of its systems. (iv) Hackers, crackers or any other third parties that may cause illegitimate intrusions and that are beyond the control of the Company without being attributable to the Company. (v) Impossibility to give the information offered through the Website or to allow access for reasons not attributable to the Company, due to the Visitor, to third parties or to cases of major cause, fortuitous cases or any other type of cause not attributable to the company. (vi) Changes or modifications that may exist on the Company's Website. (vii) Incorrect, inappropriate or illicit use of the Website and of the information of any type contained therein. (viii) Lack of accuracy, veracity, updating and accuracy of the data that the Visitor may provide through the Company's Website. (ix) Of the contents of links or links to other websites that are not owned by the Company.
7.- Emailing Communications. In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the Visitor may expressly consent by accepting the corresponding legend that will be provided in a timely manner in the moment in which you provide your personal data in accordance with the aforementioned that you wish to receive commercial communications by electronic means relative to the services and products offered by the Company. Otherwise, the Company makes available to the Visitor the following email address so that they can revoke their consent at any time: [email protected].
8.- Intellectual Property The texts, images, sounds, animations, software and the rest of contents included in the Websites susceptible of being protected by the rules of intellectual and industrial property are subject to the rights of intellectual and industrial property and, are owned exclusive of the Company or of the licensing natural or legal persons, as the case may be and consequently the Visitor declares to know that he has no right over them and that the fact of visiting the Website does not grant him any right in this regard.
9.- Invalidity and ineffectiveness of the GCU: In the event that any term or clause of these GCU is declared, partially or totally null or ineffective, such nullity or ineffectiveness would only affect said provision or the corresponding part thereof, having it for non-application and, continuing in force the rest of the GCU.
10.- Legislation and Jurisdiction: These GCU's as well as their interpretation shall be governed by the laws of the Spanish state. The parties expressly waiving any forum that may correspond, submit any dispute resulting from these GCU to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona (Spain).
11.- Complaints and Contact: the Company makes available to the Visitor the following address for the purposes of notification or contact for any questions or clarification regarding these GCU's, together with the corresponding section [email protected] provided on the Company's Websites